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City of Los Angeles employees are expected to demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for individual and personal differences when working with other employees and the public.  Employees must perform their duties in a manner that earns and maintains the trust and respect of their supervisors, other employees, and the public.

City of Los Angeles employees are expected to comply with Federal and State laws and regulations and City policies including applicable mayoral directives ensuring a discrimination and harassment free workplace. Actions that create a hostile, offensive, threatening, or intimidating environment will not be tolerated.


Citywide Workplace Equity Policy

The Workplace Equity Policy informs employees of their rights and responsibility related to workplace harassment and discrimination, and includes expectations of behavior and standards of conduct pertinent to an equitable and civil workplace.



Complaint Resolution

The Workplace Equity Complaint Resolution Procedures were designed to help employees understand how to be compliant with the City’s Workplace Equity Policy, including how to report Equity Violations, and to set expectations with employees on how the City should respond to Equity Violations.