Harassment & Discrimination FAQs
What types of complaints can I file through MyVoiceLA?
You are able to file a complaint regarding behavior by an employee that is unprofessional or disrespectful. Employees of the City of Los Angeles are expected to demonstrate sensitivity to and respect for individual and personal differences when working with other employees and the public. The nature of the offending behavior will determine which department will handle the complaint and investigation. The Office of Workplace Equity is responsible for investigating violations of the Equitable Workplace Standards (discrimination and harassment based on protected categories). Departmental HR will investigate and handle violations of the Civil Workplace Standards (Bullying, hazing, and other prohibited behaviors unrelated to protected categories). City of Los Angeles employees are expected to comply with Federal and State laws and regulations and City policies including applicable mayoral directives ensuring a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace. Employees must perform their duties in a manner that earns and maintains the trust and respect of their supervisors, other employees, and the public.
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination is the unequal treatment of one or more employees or applicants in any aspect of hiring or employment because of the employee(s’) actual or perceived Protected Category(ies).
What is Harassment?
Harassment is the unwelcome and offensive, threatening, or abusive treatment of one or more employees or applicants (by any individual, including both City employees and third parties) because of their actual or perceived Protected Categories.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature (by any individual, including both City employees and third parties) that interferes with work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. The offensive behavior need not be motivated by sexual desire.
What is Retaliation?
Any adverse employment action taken against an individual for: 1) making a complaint about or opposing discrimination and harassment; 2) for serving as a witness in a discrimination or harassment complaint investigation or proceeding, or 3) for otherwise opposing discrimination or harassment
What is Inequitable Conduct?
Inequitable Conduct is any inappropriate conduct based on a Protected Category or protected activity. Inequitable Conduct includes any instance of unwelcome conduct directed at one or more employees or applicants, that is committed by any City employee, because of the employee(s)’ or applicant(s) actual or perceived Protected Category(ies) or protected activity(ies).
Inequitable Conduct may be similar in nature to conduct defined as discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and retaliation under this Policy, although to be considered Inequitable Conduct, it will be lesser in severity.
What is Bullying or Abusive Conduct?
Bullying is verbal, physical, electronic, or other behavior directed at one or more employees within a peer group or subordinates that demeans, intimidates, or humiliates or could reasonably be considered hostile, offensive, and unrelated to a legitimate business interest of the workplace.
What is Hazing?
Any action taken or any situation created to cause discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule against a person (or group) and which risks emotional and/or physical harm to that person (or group), regardless of the person (or group's) willingness to participate in the action or situation.